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YOCOCU 2024 Istanbul

15. Oktober - 17. Oktober

YOCOCU 2024 Istanbul
15-17 October 2024

Call for Abstracts: deadline August 03, 2024

Second call

The 9th edition of YOCOCU (YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage APS) International Conference is aimed to promote constructive, critical and interdisciplinary conversations on the challenges emerging in cultural heritage bridging ancient traditions, challenges and problems and future scenarios. YOCOCU 2024 wants to be a source of inspiration and ideas underpinned by a wealth of experience, evidence and good practices gathered across all levels of cultural heritage, from the professional to the academic researcher to the citizen. The aim is to contribute to achieve successful knowledge integration, benefit from the diversity of point of views to realize a matrix puts forward a large number of experiences and how the cultural heritage can be translated into a common voice and action.

*Conference topics*

1. Experiences in the museum.

2. Traditional and innovative products in terms of methodologies, applications and materials for the conservation of Cultural Heritage.

3. Application of the physical and biological sciences to archaeology, anthropology and art history

4. Innovation and Research in the field of Conservation and Recovery of archaeological and architectural heritage

5. New strategies in conservation and valorisation of archaeological sites and buildings

6. Conservation of urban art and design materials

7. Interpretation and presentation of Cultural Heritage (exhibition design).

8. Education and Cultural Heritage

9. Natural risk assessment for the protection of Cultural Heritage.

10. Green chemistry and sustainable conversation and valorisation

*New Deadlines*

Abstract Submission Process

New Submission deadline: August 03, 2024

Notification of acceptance: August 29, 2024

For further information and details


15. Oktober
17. Oktober