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Workshop “Exploring Cultural Heritage with X-rays”
13. November 2024 - 14. November 2024
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Das Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) an der Universität Hamburg und das Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) veranstalten am 13. und 14.11.2024 einen Workshop “Exploring Cultural Heritage with X-rays”.
Der Workshop richtet sich gleichermaßen an Kurator*innen, Konservator*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen unterschiedlicher Disziplinen.
13. November 2024 Abendessen 18:00-21:00 Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Warburgstraße 26, 20354 Hamburg
14. November 2024 09:00-17:00 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Notkestraße 85, 22603 Hamburg
Bitte registrieren Sie sich bis zum 6. November hier: https://indico.desy.de/event/43734
Der Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt und hat zum Ziel, Mitglieder des Exzellenzclusters “Understanding Written Artefacts” (UWA) der Universität Hamburg sowie Kuratoren, Restauratoren, Archäologen und Kunsthistoriker mit DESY-Wissenschaftlern zusammenzubringen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Präsentation und Diskussion von Anwendungen der Synchrotronstrahlung im Bereich des kulturellen Erbes. Dieser Workshop bietet eine einmalige Gelegenheit zur Vernetzung verschiedener Wissenschaftsgemeinschaften und fördert die interdisziplinäre Forschung.
Fragen oder Anregungen sind sehr willkommen und können an katrin.zerbe@desy.de oder agnieszka.helman-wazny@uni-hamburg.de gesendet werden.
Dear colleagues and fellow scientists,
with this workshop, we aim to bring together UWA (Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts) members and DESY (beamline) scientists, as well as curators, conservators, archaeologists, and art historians to highlight and discuss the analytical potential of synchrotron radiation in the domain of cultural heritage. This workshop offers a unique occasion for networking between scientific communities at synchrotron facilities and professionals from the cultural heritage sector to create more opportunities for cooperation. Based on your expertise, we would like to invite you to join us for cordially:
“Exploring Cultural Heritage with X-rays”
13 Nov 2024 Dinner CSMC 18:00-21:00
14 Nov 2024 09:00-17:00 DESY Campus Flash Seminar room (building 28c)
Interdisciplinary research is a major challenge and “using the same language” is of crucial importance when planning and carrying out investigations and experiments on cultural heritage objects. We want to engage different disciplines and enable them to connect in an open dialogue since X-ray offers a very broad spectrum of non-destructive analytic methods that can be explored further by the community.
As cultural heritage objects are unique and non-replaceable, non-destructive techniques as well as proper handling and storage are mandatory. Thus, it is important to fully understand the impact of radiation on the materials studied. In addition to the knowledge of the structure and nature of an artefact’s components, the joint formulation of clear research objectives is the basis for a successful project and interdisciplinary collaboration. With the upgrade of the synchrotron radiation source PETRA III to PETRA IV, DESY and its campus partners plan to build a unique 3D X-ray microscope in Hamburg that will offer exceptional research possibilities for the fields of art, archaeometry, and conservation of heritage objects. Let us therefore explore the potential of synchrotron research for the humanities, especially in the context of museums, archives and libraries and also discuss practical aspects e.g. how to apply for beamtime. As part of the workshop, we offer a guided tour of our current accelerator PETRA III and the DESY Campus. We would be very pleased to receive your confirmation of participation by 6. November 2024.