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Call for Proposals, IIC 28th Biennial Congress: Current practices and challenges in built heritage conservation
26. April 2019
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Call for Proposals, IIC 28th Biennial Congress: 16th – 20th November 2020
Current practices and challenges in built heritage conservation
This congress, planned to be held in New Delhi, will cover the conservation of a wide range of built heritage including: archaeological sites, archives and collections; historic buildings, castles and palaces; religious buildings including churches and temples; built structures including bridges, walls and monuments; in situ collections housed in the buildings for which they were commissioned or collected and decorative surfaces in historic buildings.
Whilst primarily looking at the work of conservators and conservation scientists, proposals demonstrating collaborative working with other conservation professionals will be of particular interest. We are looking for new and original, unpublished work, relevant to the Congress theme and to conservation. In particular abstracts for papers and posters covering the following related topics are invited:
• traditional practice vs. modern approaches
• urbanisation and environmental impacts on built heritage
• protection of archaeological sites in situ
• the management of tourists visiting heritage sites
• the challenges of maintaining archaeological archives and stores
• sustainable use of heritage sites
• scientific research that enhances understanding of the built heritage or informs conservation practice
• conservation of decorative surfaces including paintings, plaster, stone and mosaic
• public engagement with built heritage conservation including interpretation and conservation in action
Preference will be given to abstracts that record new research and application of innovative conservation techniques; case studies will be considered but only where they record significant new information about the application of conservation practice. Papers and posters pointing the way to future challenges and research needs will be welcomed.
You can submit your proposals for a paper or poster at the link below. The closing date for proposals to be submitted is 26th April 2019.
How to submit your proposal:
Submission of all proposals is to be made using the Editorial Manager system at Taylor & Francis, IIC’s publisher. The link to the Editorial Manager system is: https://www.editorialmanager.com/sic/default.aspx (If you have not already registered for the Editorial Manager system you will need to do so at the site using the ‘Register now’ link on the page given here)
1. Log in to the Editorial Manager system as an author and follow the ‘New Submissions / Submit New Manuscript’ link and the associated questions.
2. It is important that you select the ‘article type’ by choosing either ‘IIC Congress 2020: Paper proposal’ or ‘IIC Congress 2020: Poster Proposal’, as appropriate.
3. Please note that the maximum number of characters for either a paper or poster proposal is limited to 1500 characters and that images cannot be accepted at this stage.
4. The Author Main Menu at Editorial Manager has a series of guide points for users and the Instructions for Authors section there has useful notes as well.
5. Please note that the references in Editorial Manager to Studies in Conservation are due to the fact the IIC Congress preprints are published as supplements to IIC’s main journal, Studies in Conservation.
The closing date for proposals to be submitted is 26th April 2019. You will be informed of the progress of your proposal by e-mail from the Congress Technical Committee and all proposal submittors will have been contacted about their proposals by 30th June 2019.
The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
3, Birdcage Walk, London,
Telephone +44 (0)20 7799 5500
Fax +44 (0)20 7799 4961