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Interim Meeting „Graphic Documents Working Group“
30. Januar 2019 - 1. Februar 2019
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Vom 30. Januar bis 1. Februar 2019 plant die Graphic Documents Working Group des ICOM-CC ein kleines, eher informelles Zusammenkommen (Interim Meeting) in Basel (Schaulager).
The upcoming 2019 Interim Meeting of the Graphic Documents Working Group will take place in Basel (Switzerland). Supported by colleagues from both the Kunstmuseum Basel and Schaulager, and with generous support from Schaulager – Laurenz Stiftung, the meeting will be held at the Schaulager from January 30th to February 1st 2019 to exchange and discuss in the framework of an ICOM-CC Interim Meeting.
This Interim Meeting will be kept fairly informal. There will be no conference webpage, no extended abstracts and no conference fee. The preliminary programcan be distributed freely to others who also might be interested in the topics.
Preliminary programme/vorläufiges Programm
There will also be a Business Meeting of the Graphic Documents Working Group, several technical visits in Basel and a workshop.
For registration, please contact the coordinator of the Working Group, Ute Henniges (ute.henniges(at)abk-stuttgart.de)
Space at Schaulager is limited, thus there will be a maximum of 120 participants able to attend the conference. All accepted speakers already have a reserved place on the registration list.